Mammals have hair, warm blood, give birth to live young (generally!) and the offspring drink milk.
Ranger Stu brings 2-4 mammals along to animal parties, school workshops and other events!
These may include...
Striped Skunk
Lesser hedgehog tenrec
Three banded armadillo
Domestic Rat
Reptiles have dry scaly skin, are cold blooded and lay their eggs on land (generally!)
Ranger Stu brings 2-3 reptiles along to animal parties, school workshops and other events!
These may include...
Boa constrictor
Royal Python
Bearded dragon
Pancake tortoise
Hermann's tortoise
Hingeback Tortoise
Birds have feathers, warm blood and lay hard shelled eggs.
Ranger Stu may bring to your animal party, school workshop and other event a...
White faced owl
Every single Invertebrate has only two things in common, they do not have a back bone (Vertebrae) and are cold blooded.
Ranger Stu brings 1-3 invertebrates along to animal parties, school workshops and other events!...
These may include...
Chilean rose tarantula
Tricoloured burrowing scorpion
Laos Forest scorpion
Giant land snail
Giant millipede